Inclusive. Livable. Affordable.
For many, the southern Willamette Valley is a great place to live, work, study and play. But our region is experiencing a housing crisis that affects everyone, directly or indirectly.
Today, the Eugene area is home to the second tightest housing market in the nation—second only to Seattle, WA. Nearly half of local residents are cost-burdened and stretching their incomes simply to pay for housing and cover basic necessities. Young people are unable to break into the housing market, working families are struggling to make ends meet, and seniors have few options to downsize. This crisis touches every homeowner, neighborhood, business sector, and organization in the community.
In response to this challenge, we are working together to create solutions.
Better Housing Together is a growing coalition of community neighbors who are committed to helping our region grow in innovative, inclusive ways that improve our quality of life.
Together, we can see a greater Eugene area that includes a wide range of housing types that support people of all ages, at all income levels. We value environmental stewardship, diverse housing options, a strong economy, a culture of innovation and inclusivity, and a multimodal transportation system that serves our entire community. We can see a better future by working together.
Meet our Organizing Committee and Community Partners.